CORE Advisory
Connections - Opportunities
- Remediation -Enrichment
WHS CORE Advisory
2022-23 CORE Advisory Student Information
The purpose of CORE is to provide needed supports (Connections, Opportunities, Remediation, Enrichment) to ensure ALL students are developing the skills to be Life Ready. CORE Advisory will be a dedicated time that allows students to pursue and teachers to direct high-quality learning opportunities for ALL.
- 35 minute flex period called CORE Time.
- CORE Time meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 4th and 5th period.
- WHS will utilize the website to track students and events.
- WHS faculty will create learning opportunities for students.
- WHS faculty can assign students who need remediation, enrichment, and/or additional supports.
- Students will select specific learning opportunities to meet their needs.
- Every student will be assigned to a CORE Advisory with a teacher serving as the CORE Advisor.
- Faculty and students will adhere to the Collective Commitments of CORE Time.
Collective Commitments of CORE Time:
- We will be productive and engaged in our learning environment.
- We will remain on-task and focused on our learning opportunities.
- We will respect the learning of others.
- We will use cell phones/computers/devices only to meet our instructional needs. (Not to be used for social media, games, videos, etc.)
NO EXCUSES. NO OPT-OUT. We all have work to do!
What happens during CORE Time:
Freshman Mentoring Lessons
Goals of the FMP:
- Support students as they transition to Westfield High School
- Provide a caring senior to influence and support freshmen throughout the year
- Connect 9th graders to new opportunities, relationships, and activities at WHS
- Develop greater self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills
Content of the FMP:
- School Culture / Westfield Way
- Westfield High School Traditions
- Finding Passions, Principles, and Purpose
- Goal Setting, Habits
- Preparing for exams and rigors of class
- Addressing Mental Health
Life Ready Wellness Skills: Discipline, Initiative, Grit, Respect, Kindness, Service, Self Confidence, Optimistic Thinking, Positive Attitude, and Gratitude
Sophomore Career Exploration:
Goals of CAE
- Support students as they connect Passions & Purpose to Careers
- Develop greater Self-Discipline, Personal Development & Interpersonal Skills
Content of CAE
- Naviance
- Activities to help the students determine their aptitudes and skills
- Career Interest Profiler
- Connect career interests to post-secondary education options
- Life Ready Index - Measures Behaviors to find strengths and key areas to develop
- Activities to help reinforce 8 Career (Work Ready) Skills: Communication, Leadership, Growth Mindset, Flexibility, Integrity, Team Player, Coachability, Dependability
Connect ALL students to Career Pathways
Goals of the Upperclassmen Experience:
- Improve personal self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills
- Positively impact school culture through impact projects
- Develop into effective school leaders
Content of the Upperclassmen Experience:
- Refining Passions, Principles, and Purpose
- Addressing Mental Health
- Life Ready Wellness Skills: Discipline, Initiative, Grit, Respect, Kindness, Service, Self Confidence, Optimistic Thinking, Positive Attitude, and Gratitude