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Clubs and Activities

Alphabetical List




Club Magazine

Westfield High School is an incredible place, where you can pursue your passions and gifts, all while preparing for your future. While academics at WHS will provide a rich foundation for your success, getting connected and involved beyond the classroom will change you and shape you even further. All you have to do is be willing to step out and try something new, and you will find yourself connected with peers who share similar interests and passions as you. From theater to government, to culinary arts to academic competition teams, WHS offers an array of ways to connect and get involved. Choose a listed club on the left for more information. 
Log into School Core to sign up for a club meeting.  

Want to Start a Club?

  • If you do not see a club that interests you; you can start your own!
  • Keep in mind that you will need a staff sponsor, as well as at  least 10 other interested students who will join your club.
  • Click here to fill out the New Club form. 
  • After the New Club Form is submitted, the following process takes place:
    1. Review of application by administration for school-sponsored clubs and conditions for school-recognized club.
    2. The final decision of acceptance or rejection of the club is made by the Director of Clubs and Student Activities, as well as WHS administration.
    3. If a club is accepted as a school-sponsored club, the club will be on “start-up” status for three full trimesters and a specific club plan will be developed by the sponsor, student members, and Director of Clubs and Student Activities.


In general, clubs meet on during CORE time. Clubs may also meet or hold events outside of school hours.  We encourage students to explore as many clubs as they would like, but it is vital to choose one or two and really commit to those clubs. We believe that students can have more impact when they are invested at a deeper level. Studies indicate that those students who are involved develop stronger leadership skills, work ethic, and academic preparedness.


Should you have questions or need assistance with a club, please feel free to email

Mrs. Gibbs (, Director of Clubs and Student Activities, or stop by the Learning Center to chat with Mrs. Gibbs.

Assistant Principal, Mr. Frederick, also oversees student clubs and activities. 

Email him at