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Life Ready

To ensure student preparation for after graduation and beyond, we are developing and teaching student skills in three major areas: Academics, Career and Wellness. 



Our focus in the Academic Leaf is to continue to raise the achievement levels of ALL students.  We believe all staff and students are learners and that growth is paramount. We want to help each individual to love learning and to champion a growth mindset.  We believe that when we are stretched and challenged, we not only perform better but we become the best versions of ourselves. We want all students to graduate with the necessary skills for future success.  Future success means that they are equipped to go and do and be whatever it is they want to go and do and be and thrive while doing it. The three main skills we want to grow in our students are literacy, critical thinking, and innovation.  

 In our classrooms, we are working on giving each student foundational literacy skills with reading and writing, then helping them to think critically and express themselves creatively and think outside of the box.  When our students are able to teach others, create original work, and make a product that inspires others, we know they have reached the highest academic skill levels. Through our staff professional learning communities and best practice workshops, our use of CORE time four days a week, and within each classroom, the skills of literacy, critical thinking, and innovation are an emphasis in staff and student learning.  We know if we are building skills and engage our students at high levels, we will see test scores rise, AP access and success will increase, in addition to more academic honors diplomas and higher graduation rates. It is our goal to meet each individual where they are at, differentiate the learning and work with each to achieve more than they ever thought they could.  


Our focus in the Career Leaf is to develop the necessary career skills in every student, that will lead to a fulfilling, financially secure, and successful career.  As a high school, we believe it is important to guide every student through awareness and exploration that will lead to a pathway for connecting education and employment.  We want to help each student develop the necessary work readiness skills in areas of Personal Development, Self-Discipline, and Interpersonal Skills. The eight work readiness skills that we have incorporated into lessons have helped make our students ready for employment. We want all students to graduate with the necessary skills for future success.

WHS continues to align efforts to prepare students for the day after graduation by expanding opportunities within Hamilton County.  This direction has been guided by many partnerships formed with local businesses such as IMMI, Altex, Ball Systems, and organizations including Hamilton County Tourism, AgriNovus Indiana, and the Westfield Chamber of Commerce.  

We continue to expand our course offerings to allow students to learn more about certain careers.  The Career Exploration Internship course allows students to work in a public or private sector workplace working side-by-side with professionals while learning about the activities and skill sets that are necessary for a specific career, as well as practicing and understanding the importance of the soft skills necessary in today’s workforce. Because student interest has continued to grow in the Health Science Career Cluster over the past five years, WHS has expanded course offerings into Emergency Medical Sciences (EMS), which is taught by Heartland Ambulance Services. By the end of the course, students will be prepared to take the state licensing tests. In addition, many students have been a part of our Hospitality and Tourism program.  These WHS students have been learning about the real world of hospitality management and earn up to 12 college credits through dual credit with Ivy Tech. This has allowed students to gain valuable paid field experience and a chance to work alongside one of the most vibrant tourism markets in the Midwest. 

These partnerships between our high school and community businesses benefit all parties involved.  The businesses help future workers understand the education and skills they need to secure jobs. The growth and success of WHS’s programs can be attributed to the great partnerships developed within the business community.  At WHS, we prepare students for the day after graduation by helping them create a road map to a successful career and be Life Ready.


Our goal is to improve the physical and mental wellness of each student now and in the future. Research shows that the more connected students are, the less likely they are to experience risky behaviors such as drugs, alcohol, dropping out, teen pregnancy, etc.  Our goal is to develop a web of support thick enough to set our students up for success and to prevent them from slipping through the cracks. We will connect all students to their passions and purpose in life, teaching them to separate their identity from their performance. We will connect students to caring adults, peer mentors, extra-curriculars, clubs, and community involvement. As we connect, we will also grow our students in Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Relationship Skills.  These principles will help students overcome stress, anxiety, depression, and fear of failure while living out their purpose now and in the future.

 One important avenue of connection is our Freshmen Mentoring Program, a bi-weekly program during CORE time, where senior mentors facilitate growth in the wellness areas and foster relationships with their younger peers. Throughout the year, freshmen will have the chance to explore their passions, goals, and purpose, as well as serving within the school to make a difference. Ultimately, we want to provide freshmen the support they need to transition well and make the most of their four years here at WHS.