Mrs. Alicia Denniston, Principal
Westfield High School is a four-year comprehensive high school with approximately 2,950 students in grades 9-12. It is fully accredited by the Indiana Department of Education. Westfield is a rapidly growing community 20 miles north of downtown Indianapolis in southwestern Hamilton County, Indiana. Mrs. Alicia Denniston has been the principal of Westfield High School since 2020.
In addition to 7 counselors and 7 administrators, the professional staff at Westfield High School includes more than 170 classroom teachers. Over half of the teaching staff have 10 or more years of professional experience.
Westfield High School is on a trimester schedule. A trimester schedule divides the academic year into three sessions: fall, winter, and spring. Each trimester is approximately 12-13 weeks long. The trimester system allows students the choice of taking more courses each year. Each trimester is approximately 12-13 weeks long. Classes are 67 minutes long and meet five days per week. Students have the opportunity to earn fifteen credits each year with classes being one trimester, two trimesters or three trimesters in length (earning 1 credit each trimester). One 35 minute CORE (Connections, Opportunities, Remediation, Enrichment) period is offered each day to ensure all students are developing skills to be Life Ready and to have high-quality learning opportunities. A typical day of classes (Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays) at Westfield High School begins at 8:35 a.m. and ends at 3:39 p.m. On Wednesdays, we are on a late start schedule, beginning at 9:05 a.m. Three 30-minute lunch sessions are offered during third period each day. Seven minutes is allowed for passing periods between classes.
Westfield High School offers 33 AP classes and 23 dual-credit courses. Dual-credit opportunities are offered through Indiana University's ACP program and Ivy Tech.
Westfield High School has been listed as #432 in the nation and #8 in the state on the US News and World Report's Best High Schools list.